About Us
The Arkansas Clean Plant Center for Berries provides plant nursery operators and berry growers in Arkansas and the U.S. with plants that are free of targeted-pathogens
In October 2022, the Center underwent a major overhaul, allowing for expanded diagnostic capabilities and enhanced speed of service. New equipment will permit in-house high-throughput sequencing and other advanced procedures, providing the highest level of service for diagnosis and elimination of systemic pathogens.
The Arkansas Center, part of the National Clean Plant Network, provides diagnostic testing, virus elimination and foundation services.
The Arkansas Clean Plant Center for Berries is one of four regional centers in the National Clean Plant Network that are dedicated to berries. The other three are at the USDA-ARS Horticultural Crops Disease and Pest Management Research Unit in Corvallis, the University of California at Davis, and North Carolina State University, Raleigh.
The National Clean Plant Network was created to protect U.S. specialty crops, including berries, from the spread of economically harmful plant pests and diseases. It includes scientists, educators, state and federal regulators, nurseries and growers that work together to make sure plant propagation material is clean and available
Safeguard and improve fruit crop productivity and sustainability in the United States by providing clean plants.
Enhance the productivity of United States fruit crops through the provision of clean plants. We aim to foster innovation, bolster the growth of the fruit industry, and promote sustainable agricultural practices.
Core values
Quality: Ensure highest standards in providing clean, disease-free plant material.
Innovation: Seek and apply innovative solutions and technologies to advance fruit crop health.
Collaboration: Build strong partnerships with other Clean Plant Centers, producers and industry stakeholders by sharing knowledge and resources to achieve shared objectives.
Education and Outreach: Inform stakeholders on the benefits of using clean plants.
Adaptability: Be flexible and responsive to evolving challenges and opportunities in specialty crops.
Integrity and Transparency: Conduct operations with integrity, openness, and accountability to foster trust amongst stakeholders and the National Clean Plant Network.







Black and Red Currants
