


Clean Plant Center for Berries

Internship opportunities

Please contact Dr. Villamor for internship opportunities in diagnostics and tissue culture technologies

The ACPC provides comprehensive testing services to the agricultural industry. Here is the fee structure:

  • $275 set-up fee for fewer than 24 samples
  • $88.00 per sample for the nucleic acid extraction, making cDNA (reverse transcription) and carrying out the PCR for the internal control reactions to ensure the quality of the nucleic acid is a suitable template for the PCR reaction, and $33.00 for each virus test completed. If a sample is tested for 10 viruses, the cost would be $275+$88+$33*10= $693. If 10 samples are tested for 10 viruses, the cost would be 275+[$88+(33*10)]*10=$4,455. If 40 samples were tested for 10 viruses the total cost per sample would be [$88+(33*10)]*40=$16,720.
  • HTS testing using Illumina: $750/sample run including preparation, sequencing, and bioinformatics analyses.
  • HTS testing using Illumina with validation of positives for pathogens of concern using PCR: $1100/sample
  • HTS testing using MinION: $330/sample run including preparation, sequencing, bioinformatics analyses.
  • HTS testing using MinION with validation of positives for pathogens of concern using PCR: $660/sample
  • Breeding accessions – beyond those covered by NCPN funded personnel and reagents: Clean-up/testing: $8,800/clean-up round, Maintenance: $1,550/year
  • Controlled Import Permit: $4,400 per cultivar assayed. This includes four high-throughput sequencing (HTS) runs using Illumina technology, followed by PCR validation of any detected pathogens of concern. The estimated release date is two years after receiving the material.
  • Plants distribution: $330/plant or TC StarPack + shipping

The cost for a Virus Mimicking Artificial Positive Control (ViMAPC) is $4,000 when based on published primer sequences and $5,000 when primers are developed by ACPC personnel.


ViMAPC construction

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Clean Plant Center for Berries


Clean Plant Center for Berries




Clean Plant Center for Berries


Clean Plant Center for Berries
